Thursday, May 20, 2021

Time flies!!

Can not believe its been a year since I posted. 😲 It's tough trying to post from my phone and we didn't have a computer I could use until now. Hopefully this will encourage me to post more. Fingers crossed!! 🤞

Freebies still come in the mail from time to time. They still aren't as frequent as they used to be, but i'm still so grateful to get what arrives. Will post them again as I get them.

The boys are doing GREAT!!  is just about finished with 11th grade, which means I will be the mom of a senior soon!!! 😲  He's already taking some 12th grade classes so he has a head start. Also, he got his very first job! He started working at Old Navy Outlet in Sevierville and LOVES it!! Unfortunatley, his nerves and anxiety have been so hard on him. Like school, every morning he works he usually gets sick and then feels miserable until he has been at work for a bit. Breaks my heart, as I was the same way many years ago when I worked. Hoping he and his therapist can come up with ways to help him. He is such an amazing young man ❤

Chase is about to be done with 6th grade! He's doing so well on his work, but especially math. He wants to be an auto mechanic when he grows up, just like his dad. I think he will do AMAZING with it. 

Not really much else to report on. Both pups and kitty are doing great. I actually ended up breaking down and started playing GTA 5 on PS4. I never thought I would play that, but I actually love it!! I have 2 feet again, and when i'm having a rough day I get to shoot and kill lots of bad guys! 😂

Hope everyone is doing well and continuing to hang in there with the Covid stuff going on. Be safe!!! ✌