I know it's been awhile since I posted an update.
Ok, so she was sent back to the nursing home/rehab place to do more therapy. Come to find out, the doctor was not coming in to check on her, which meant the open sore she had that was draining (the infection the originally found a few weeks back) was not being taken care of properly. As a matter of fact, my dad had to get on one of the assistants there to come in and change the dressing in the wound because no one had been in to do it in several DAYS!!! When she finally did come in, she told my dad.."this isn't my job, the nurses are supposed to do this." Umm, W.T.F.?!?!? And, get this......because the wound was still draining pretty bad, they weren't doing the physical therapy.....so she ended up with bed sores. That right there is telling me they weren't even changing the sheets on her bed or moving her at all, let alone not doing the therapy! I was so pissed!! They should be very thankful i'm over 500 miles away or I would have been raising some serious hell at that home. My father talked to the head of the nursing home, and called the surgeon at University of MD and told him what was going on. So, now my mom is back at UMD to get the infection cleared up and the draining stopped so she can get back to her therapy and go home. All of this has been going on for almost 2 months now!!! They did say they finally found out what was causing the draining.....she has an abscess in/near the incision that they finally got taken care of and the draining is starting to stop completely. I talked with her yesterday and she sounded so good! She said her strength is finally coming back and so is her appetite, which is a great thing! My sister said my mom was down to 120lbs. and the doctor wanted to bring that up some.
My mom has been through so much, it just breaks my heart. Having to deal with cancer, going through chemo treatments, then going through a major surgery......she is such an amazingly strong woman and I am so proud of her!
Once again, I want to take the time to thank everyone for all love love, thoughts & prayers offered to myself and my family over the past few months. Many tears have been shed and worrying non-stop some days, but y'all have been my rock and support and I thank every one of you from the bottom of my heart. I love you all so much!!!!
I know we already talked about this but I am really glad she's out of that place!!! Unbelievable that that woman said "It's not my job" What a piece of work!!
She'll do so much better now and I hope they don't plan on sending her back to that same nursing home...they need some serious investigating happening there!!!
We love you and hope that Mom will be able to come visit you soon, I know it will take a load off your mind to have her close!!
**hugs** Thanks so much for your love & support, snookums!!!
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