Friday, March 20, 2009

Tyler's 5 year check-up

Well, Tyler had his 5 year check-up yesterday, and it went really well!! He now weighs 46.6lbs and is either 44 or 45 inches tall. (Z went with the nurse to check Ty's height, since I was working on some paperwork on Ty, and he said he thinks he saw Ty's height at 45 inches. I had checked his height a few weeks ago and it said he was 44 inches, so 45 may be right) he did great with the eye test and his pee test came out just fine. We thought he would get his 5 year shots yesterday since he starts kindergarten this August, but the doctor said the office didn't have one of the vaccines he needed (he said there was a shortage going around), but they should have what he needed before he starts school so we can hold off on the shots for now. I was a little disappointed, since I had been telling Ty yesterday he may be getting some shots at the doctor and he was pretty much prepared for them....he even asked the nurse "When do I get my shots?" hehehe...silly.

Z also had to see the doctor for a blood pressure check-up. He had a physical done at work awhile ago and they said his pressure was slightly elevated so he would need to see his doctor, but they passed him anyway. His pressure was just fine yesterday, but he did have to give a blood sample to have his A1C checked. (for his sugar) It was cute......I had taken Ty to do give his pee sample while the nurse took Z's blood. When we came back into the room the nurse was just getting started with Z and Tyler was watching really close........he sat back up onto the table and pulled up his sleeve and told the nurse "Ok, i'm next!!" LOL The poor kid wanted some kind of needle/shot yesterday!!!

All-in-all they both had good appointments yesterday. I loved being able to sit back and let someone else be poked and prodded for a change! LOL One thing we did forget to do was talk to the doctor about Z getting snipped after Chase is born.

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