Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Surgery update

I'm SO sorry it has taken so long to do a surgery update. Ugh, it has been kicking my butt!! We got to the hospital right around 6am and got all checked in. By 8am I was called back and things started rolling. While the anesthesiologist was explaining to me how things would go, the nurse put in the IV. It was so easy! After the IV was in, the gave me something they called "happy juice" and boy was that nice. :) Within a few minutes I was wheeled back into the operating room. I had to breath in some oxygen and then I heard someone say "Ok, let's get things rolling..." and I felt something cool go into my IV....next thing I knew I was waking up to someone asking me if I wanted a popsicle! It was only slightly uncomfortable, thank goodness. They put more oxygen on me, because apparently my oxygen levels wouldn't go up and stay up and that worried them. I did get something cool to drink, which was awesome........I just didn't want a popsicle, even though they asked me a dozen times if I wanted one! LOL The nurses were so awesome. They put me in a different recovery room to get my oxygen to go up, and they finally let Z and the boys come back to see me. Seeing them all made me feel SO much better. Z told me that he had taken the boys out to the van because they were getting antsy in the waiting room, and the doctor actually came out into the parking lot to talk to him and let him know how things went!! Can you believe that?!? How awesome!! He told Z that my right tonsil was really hard, and they had a tough time getting it out. I hardly bled at all, which was a good thing. They did send my tonsils to be tested just to be sure and i'll know how it goes when I go back on November 1st. Friday wasn't too bad once we got home, but it took me awhile to get the anesthesia out of my system. The pain meds they gave me are awesome, as they work SO fast since they are liquid, but they make me so drowsy and loopy. They said most patients have issues on day 2-5, and I did ok the weekend, but come Monday my throat was kicking my butt. I can't take the pain meds because I have to drive Ty back and forth to school, so poor Z has had to miss two days of work without pay. :( He has been AMAZING, though. I don't know how I would have made it these last few days without him. He has been such a big support for me and has REALLY picked up the slack around the house. Ty only has school tomorrow and he is off for Fall break, and i'm really hoping I can function without the pain meds tonight and tomorrow so Z can go back to work. (although as bad as my throat and ear are hurting right now I don't know if I can make it :()

Well, i'm very glad those nasty tonsils are gone!!! I know the pain right now is only temporary and I have to keep reminding myself that when it hurts really bad........

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