WOW, has it really been that long since I have posted here?!?!? So sorry about that!!!
Well, let's see. Zane started his new job last Monday and LOVES it!!! Just last week, he made more hours in only 5 days then he ever made working the same amount of days at his old job. We are finally going to be able to get back on our feet financially! Plus, we'll be able to get a second vehicle that we so desperately need. I am so glad things are finally looking up for us. Zane seems so much more happier and more relaxed now.....and, he now works a normal work week!! He only works Monday- Friday, and now has 2 days off in a row. Gosh, it is so nice!!! I now know why people get so excited when Friday rolls around! He has always worked on Saturday's ever since I have known him.
Tyler is doing great. He is SO smart, but he has such a flip mouth on him! I know he is just testing us, but it is SO frustrating. He spends quite a bit of time in time out, which helps some I think. But he loves to work in his school book every day, and is doing amazing with his writing! He's also recognizing more and more letters. Where has my little boy gone?!?!?
Health wise things are going good for me. My blood pressure is great, and my sugar has been doing great, too. Weight loss has been a little slow. I've been out of Phentermine for about a week now, but Zane is picking up the prescription tonight. I can really feel the difference when I am off of it, that's for sure!! I could just eat and eat ALL day long! :( I'm going to take it for a week straight, then take it every other day, since health insurance will end for use the end of the month and won't pick back up until April 1st. Thank goodness i'll still be able to get my other meds thanks to Walmart $4 meds!
Mom is doing great!! All of her check-ups are coming back excellent. The doctor is really impressed with how well things are going. Chemo has been a little hard on her for the first few days after the treatment, but once she gets past that, she feels really good. They are talking about coming down to visit us this coming June, and I can't wait!!! They both really wish they could move down this way to be closer to us (and my brother and his family in N.C.), and I would love that as well. I never really knew just how much I missed my parents until this scare with my mom. Maybe some day they will be living closer to us. :)
Speaking of my parents visiting, my oldest sister and her family will be visiting as well!! They will be here in August. Her husband and oldest daughter have already been here a few years ago, but my sister and her younger daughter have never seen it. I can't wait for them to be here!! Now I am REALLY excited for summer to get here!!
*sigh*Well, that should do it for an update....boring, I know!!!!! I hope everyone has been doing good. Tonight for dinner we are making bacon cheeseburgers off the grill with some baked beans....anyone interested?!? There will be plenty!!! **hugs** Take care, everyone!!!!!!
Hahaha, I could have gone for some of that. And I know what you mean about not having family around. Patrick's sister lives down here, but she is hoping to be gone in October (would have been last October, but she can't sell her house) to NY (figures, where we moved from) to become a Nun. I'm trying to get my Mother to retire down here by getting her with the tax benefits and how much more she can get down here than in NY and how much easier it would be for her to live down here and travel back home then to live up there and travel down here.
But yay for Mom! I can't wait to hear when she has a clean bill of health. :) And yay for family visiting. Hopfully my sister and FIL will come down for Maryjean's first Communion--I can't believe she's old enough for that. She just had her first confession and was too scared to say anything, our Priest is so nice though, he understood.
I'm jealous about the 2nd car--but happy too, maybe a road trip into Nashville??? ;) Let me know when y'all get one. What kind of insurance do y'all have now?
Hahaha about Tyler--smart kids are...hahahaha. 4 is rough--just out of toddlerhood and onto a new phase. The third time is just as hard. Hopefully he won't be the frustrating six year old Jon-Christopher has turned into. OMG! Patrick say's he's just being a boy and his testosterone is kicking in big time, but I come from a family where we hung mostly with my mother's side which had only my sister and I, my mother has 2 sisters and my Grandaddy had 2 sisters--so who knew?? Phew!
Woo Hoo for your health. I need to go back to the Dr about my meds. The BP medication he has me on--last time he upped it and I swell like crazy, I read up on it and I had no idea that was one of the side effects. It sucks so bad.
Sorry to have rambled. BTW, if you guys are looking for a vacation spot, we had a great time in Indianapolis. Their Children's Museum was gret. The town was nice. The Zoo was okay, looks like a better warm weather zoo.
Don't be sorry about rambling!!! I LOVE hearing from you!! **hugs**
Yes, definitely talk with your doc about your meds...I only had swelling issues when pregnant and remember how miserable that was, so I can only imagine how much it has to suck for you with the meds. I sure hope they find something better for you!
We've been trying like crazy to convince the in-laws to move down this way. (MIL is from the Oneida area, I think Scott County?) They live in a very bad area in MD, plus they keep getting ripped off my their car insurance company keeps ripping them off. We've told them how much cheaper it is down here, which they know, and they just keep coming with one excuse after the other. I know moving to a new state is scary, but once they are here and settled they will LOVE it!! Plus, being closer to Tyler will be great for both of them. *sigh* Who knows....
Girl, I SO want to get over to Nashville to meet you and your family!!! I've mentioned it to Zane and he is all for it, so it's just a matter of waiting to see how things go. We're hoping to start looking for another mini van late spring/ early summer. Right now we have Nationwide, but are going to switch to Farm Beauru within the next month or so. We've also talked and decided to start trying for baby #2 sometime this summer as well!!
Minivan Momma? hahahaha--I'm so bad. I detest minivan's--although if truth must be told, I am coveting the Nissan Quest right now and I can't remember what happened, but something happened during vacation, one of those "if this happens, will you agree to this" moments, and Patrick promised (we'll see with the gas prices) that when we get a newer vehicle, if I still like the Quest we could get one. :D But yesterday our little Saturn that gets great gas mileage cost around $30 to fill up and that was shocking. Eek.
Tell them your friend says to move to TN too. :D It is very hard to move away from home. I know if I could get everything I have down here--lifestyle, house, cost of living, etc--in NY, I'd go back home. But that's not going to happen and we like it here.
I agree with you, I need to get my meds changed. It's freaky cause before I swell, my knees heat up and then I'm swollen. It's icky.
Yay for baby number 2. Good luck. Was that your car insurance, or medical insurance you mentioned? I was wondering what new medical insurance you had to escape from Vlue Cross. I wish Patrick's boss would change theirs. It's such a good job and company but ick on BCBST. Elway needs some speech help. For some reason, our Dr wants Jon-Christopher evaluated too (I think b/c of their similar medical history, but he's never had speech probs) and when Vandy made the appt, they said they had to find out if BCBST would cover it. Grrr. Cause if they don't, no help for Elway. Which sucks. Cause her speech isn't horrible. She just needs some pronunciation help which hasn't worked with me. Sigh. I'll keep working with her if they won't cover though, but it's like why have insurance?
Oops, as Led Zeppelin sings "Ramble On" hahahah
And as I said, Ramble all you want hun!!
Health insurance will be Aetna. Co-pays have been cut in half, plus what we were paying for just regular health insurance we'll be able to afford dental and vision, right along with regular insurance. Maybe Patrick could talk with his boss about the health insurance? I was so dissapointed in BCBST. Z's new job offers BCBS, but Aetna is much cheaper and from what the other people at his work have said, MUCH better! I guess we'll have to wait and see in April when it kicks in for us. But like you said, what is the point of having insurance if it won't cover the things you need?!? Crazy....
You know, I LOVE the Nissan Quest!!! The newer one's with all the sunroofs/skylights is my fav!! I was never a minivan mom until we had one a few years ago. We had a Dodge Caravan and I fell in love with it! I can't wait to get another one. I've always been a Nissan person, though. I loved my Altima I had years ago, and my Xterra. I'd like to see Zane get a different vehicle too, since his truck is almost $90 to fill up a week! EEK!
Gosh, i'm so glad you're back!!!
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