Friday, September 26, 2008

In-law's vent

*AT first I wasn't going to do this post, as i'm not sure if my sister in law (Zane's sister) lurks on my blog or not. But then I thought, who cares if she does and reads this? So what if she runs to them and tells them what I wrote? It's not like what i'm going to vent about wouldn't be told directly to them by me anyway. I will not be afraid, or censor my blog like that!

Anyhoo, here is my vent. Saturday is Zane's birthday. Since he and I have been together (over 8 years now), his parents have always sent him a birthday card with a check in it. Granted, it wasn't for much, but that wasn't the was of course the thought that counts and it meant alot to him that they even sent it to him. Yesterday he gets a card in the mail from his parents. He went into the kitchen with the mail while I dropped some dirty clothes off in the laundry room. When I went into the kitchen, he handed me the card they sent him......they sent him a cheapy card (i'll get to the reason why I posted about the card in a sec) with coupons in it. Yes, you read that from the Sunday paper for Cascade!!! If you could have seen the hurt look on Zane's face. I was furious!!! Now, no i'm not furious because they didn't send him a check, i'm furious for the reason why they didn't. You see, they are upset with ME because when we were in MD last month, we first stayed at their house for one night. They asked if I would bring Tyler to see them while he and I stayed there at my parents house. I told them it would be up to my dad, as I didn't have my own vehicle and would have to ask him to drive his. Plus, his parents live over an hour away from my parents and I didn't feel comfortable driving that far, especially when i'm not driving my own vehicle. They kept saying Tyler and I could come and stay for a few days, and if we needed anything at all to call them, and that included a ride home....blah, blah, blah. Again, I told them it would be up to my dad. When we did get to my parents home, I mentioned it to my dad and he said he didn't like the idea of me driving the truck that far, mainly because he was having issues with the brakes and would rather we not go. So needless to say, the in laws are pissed because I "broke a promise I made to them about bringing Tyler to see them." And because they are pissed at me, they will also take it out on Zane as well. Isn't that nice?!? My in-laws are miserable, petty people and they will never change. And if you've been reading my blog long enough, you know what kind of person my brother in law (Zane's brother) is. He lives with the in laws and is just like them. I guess they feel if they're miserable and unhappy, then everyone around them should be. The look on Zane's face last night broke my heart, and made me dispise these people even more. Like I said, it's not so much the fact that they didn't send a check, it's the reason why they didn't. The in-laws never really cared for me anyway, (LONG story) and i'm really thinking i'm done with them. I don't want or need people like that in my life....all they will do is bring me down and I don't want that at all.

*BTW, I mentioned the cheapy b-day card. His parents buy boxes of cheapy, generic cards because they mail out state quarters to people and that was the cheapest way for them to do that. Of course that's perfectly fine, but instead of them getting a card specifically for "son" from the dollar store, like they do EVERY year, they just sent one of the generic cheapy cards. Zane usually saves every card he gets from everyone.....this card he threw away last night. :(


Unknown said...

I know I sent you an e-mail on this, but I had to comment again after some thought. I think it would have probably been less insulting to send him nothing at all. Seriously. And after the story you told about the little digital camera, I'm still shaking my head--what is not to understand about sick relative, saw you guys earlier this year, want to spend time with my family, I will try if I can?? Grrr!!!

((HUGS)) to Zane

Christine said...

I'm still shaking my head at them....since the big argument in 2004!!!!

TJACK said...

You may be perfectly justified, but they are still your son's grandparents and you have an obligation to be kind. Work on healing the relationship for your husband's and son's sake.

Christine said...

Thank you for the comment and trust me, I have tried to be kind for over 4 years now. These people will never change and have only gotten more and more spiteful over the years....i'm not the only one that is done with them.

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable! They are so petty-they could have-at the least-bought the son card like you said. Damn. He's always been good them. And they really suck for doing that to him, just because you didn't feel comfortable driving a car with bad brakes-tell them to get over it! I think Ty's and your safety is more important anyway!!
You are a good, great person and have also been good to them-even after they said those mean things to you. They don't deserve your courtesy-you've gone above and beyond and it's been a challenge for them to do the same. I would agree with you for cutting them lose-they don't bring any kind of joy to your life-and how are they going to treat Ty the next time they get pissed for something they don't lie??
You are a grown woman and can make your own have to do what is best for YOUR family. I'm behind you all the way honey bun!!!
love you bunches!!!

Christine said...

Thank you, Jackie!!!!! **Hugs**