Monday, July 18, 2011

Monday, Monday......

..."so good to me....." Ahhh, I can hear the song playing in my head right now! Hope everyone had a great weekend. Ours was really nice. We unfortunately had two days of running errands/grocery shopping which always makes the weekend fly by, but it was still nice. Saturday we went to Super Target and got some decent deals. The biggest deal we get from there is Einstein Brother bagels! We get to ST fairly early and the bagels are still fresh and a little warm! We get a bakers dozen for about $9, which isn't too bad of a deal.....they are sooooo yummy. My mom got me hooked on the Everything bagels.....they are stinky but oh so good!!! Yesterday Kroger started their new sale for the week and there were a few things we wanted to get, so we decided to go and get what we needed. We got an amazing deal for the boys.....all of their Hotwheel cars were $.54! And, we found this:

The Back To The Future movies are one of our favorites! When Ty saw this car in the bin he squealed and said "Look mom, Back to the future!!" We picked up two cars so both boys would have their own.

Well, that was as exciting as our weekend was...LOL! The weather is supposed to get crappy again since the heat is coming back....ICK!! I'd love to get the boys a small little pool to stay cool in, but I honestly don't want them outside for any amount of time. I just don't like the neighborhood we are in, mainly the neighbors we have. I am extremely thankful for having a roof over our heads, but I will be SO glad when we move, which will hopefully be in the next 1-2 years. I feel so bad that the boys are stuck in the house and not able to play outside. Ty does go out to play, but not long at all. The house next to us (it's about 50-60 feet away) is doing some not-so-nice things, and I don't want the boys out in case something happens. Poor Chase LOVES being outside, and I feel like a horrible mother for keeping him cooped up. :( I miss them being able to play on their swing set (we didn't even set it up at this house) and running through the grass, swimming in a pool and catching fireflies when they come out. :( And don't even get me started on the issues inside the house.......

Ok, enough poo poo talk!!! Z has his check-up/blood work today with the cancer doctor, so he will be home a little early today......we're going to do chicken and dumplings for dinner!!!

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