Friday, August 24, 2012

Todays mail 8.24.12 *edit*

What a mail day!! So far Fed Ex has been here and the regular mail.....just waiting on UPS!!!

- PT from Pinecone (can't wait to try it, yum!)
- Nerf Fire Vision bzzkit (way cool! I know Ty is going to love it, and I can't wait to play with it either!)
- LL Bean order (paid for with free gift card I received from My Points. I was going to get Ty a new backpack, but his was fine so I decided to get him some slippers for Christmas. They are SO nice! And I love having a Christmas present put away already!!)
- $6 Pinecone Payment/paypal
- $8 Decision Research payment/Paypal

I'll update once UPS gets here.....

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