I got a call from my sister Kathie today......mom isn't doing well. She has pneumonia now and they are actually thinking she may now have cancer in her lungs. She is on a ventilator for breathing and is not conscious. I think she told me one or two more things, but after I heard that I pretty much lost it. My sister Dee and her husband just got here today for vacation, and she also got a phone call, but from my sister Debbie telling her pretty much the same thing. Kathie did say they are giving her anti-biotics and they seem to be working for her. Apparently my dad got the results back from the scans they did last week and it was not good news, but didn't call me. He called my sister Debbie & my brother and broke down on the phone with them both, and I think that was all he could do. :( My sister Dee said they were going to stay here in TN for now, but we will all most likely be heading to MD very soon.
I really hate to bother anyone with all of this, but if it is at all possible, could you please say a little prayer for my mom and my dad. My sisters, brother & I are all hurting, but I can only imagine all that my dad is going through. They have been married for over 50 years........
I will update when I can.......thank you all so much.
We will definitely be praying. And my SIL goes to Mass everyday, I will ask her to light a candle for your Mom.
Thank you so much, Patrice.....you are an amazing friend. *hugs*
Oh Chris, I'm sorry. Of course you and your family are in my prayers!!
She's a strong woman and I hope she pulls through!!
we love you bunches!!!
and also...don't ever feel that its a bother to ask for anything!! Prayers are needed, so they will be said. I just wish I were closer to you so I could hug you!!
Jackie, thank you so much.....**hugs** Those prayers work!
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