Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Last mail of the year

Mail goodies have been so scarse these past few weeks, but the last day of the year sure was great!! All of this is since the last time I posted my mail freebies:

- Snausages coupon for free treats
- $3 Pinecone payment (email/paypal)
- Patron keychain
- Orville Redenbacher popcorn (walmart)
- Glad trashbag (walmart)

And from today:

- TiVo cookie cutter (super cute!! I was so worried I wouldn't get mine)
- Pedigree treats (walmart)
- 101 Things to do with Meatballs cookbook (Sam's...and it is an awesome cookbook!!)

I'm so glad I finally got the things I had been waiting for today....what a nice way to end the year!


Unknown said...

Aha, now I see some of the things I forgot. Trash bag, popcorn, coupon and dog treats. LOL! I guess I'm going senile. So, do you find the cookbook to be kinky? hahahhaha.

Christine said...

That cookbook was super nice, but the recipes sounded so nasty!!! I guess because I can't stand being around ground beef?!?!? LOL

Did y'all like that lime popcorn?!? We haven't been brave enough to try it! Now see, if you had a BLOG, you could have posted what you got and I could be commenting on your site!! ;) (you know I love ya!! LOL)

Unknown said...

You know, we misplaced the popcorn. I had it sitting on my desk and when Patrick put up the monitor it went missing. I really want to try it. And being movie night, I won't have to share. LOL!

Christine said...

Well, we popped it this last was ok, but not something I would actually buy....LOL

Hope you find yours!!!