Sunday, April 17, 2011

Spoke to Zane this evening......

He sounded kind of sleepy, but it was so good to hear his voice. He said he ended up falling asleep after the boys and I left and was in the chair until 1:30! They finally came in and put him back into bed where he ended up going back to sleep. I am so glad he is resting so good. They did get him up and had him walking in the hall, but he got really dizzy and felt pukey so they took him back to the room. He keeps telling me not to worry about things and not get stressed out because he is worried about me being alone and having to do everything, and I told him he better not worry about me and that I was just fine. He said he knew better and was hoping we could find someone who can come and help us. I did tell him I was trying my best and that things would work out and he told me he loved me and missed me and the boys. *sigh* I can't wait to have that man home with us........

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