Monday, November 30, 2009
Chase's weight
I forgot to mention Chase's weight from when they checked it at the ER last night!! He is now up to 16lbs 11ozs!
I'm going to try and check his length sometime today.........

Turkey day is over......
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!! We went to MD to be with family for the holiday, and it was so nice to be around everyone again. We left on Wednesday at 3:30pm and made it to the in-laws house around 11:45pm. The boys did fairly decent........we were on the road for all of 5 minutes when Ty said "I'm hungry, can we get dinner?" And this was before 4pm! After he got some food in his belly, he then kept asking "Are we there yet?" "Are we in Virginia yet?" Are we in MD yet?" Chase got fussy on and off but did well otherwise. When we got the in-laws, they were both up because they were so excited about seeing the boys......so of course Chase was all wound up and over stimulated, so when we went to bed at midnight he was upset and screaming! Plus it was a strange place to him so that made it even worse. Needless to say Z and I didn't get to go to sleep until well after 2am. Thanksgiving day was nice. Z's cousins came over and got to see the baby. The dinner was SO yummy!!!! The in-laws asked us if we would get the boys their Christmas gifts and since there were a few deals on black Friday we decided to venture out while my mother in law watched the boys. NOT fun!!! Toys R Us had a Leapster handheld game system on sale I wanted to get for Ty and the sale started Midnight. Well, Z got up and was at TRU at 11:45pm and they were lined up completely around the building!! Needless to say he turned around and came back and went back to bed. LOL Well, Target had 2 things we also wanted to get Ty, so we got up and left at 4:30am Friday morning and decided to hit TRU first to see if they possibly had any of the systems left. We went to the one Z had gone to and they were all sold out. Well, there was another TRU near the Target we were going to so we hit that one and they had ONE system left!!!! We quickly grabbed it and left the store. We then went to Target, which was such a mess!! They opened at 5am and we got there 10 minutes after they opened and I couldn't believe how crazy people were. Z dropped me off at the door and I went in and got what we wanted and by the time I was done Z was already in the store. We went back to the in-laws and at 7am we woke the boys up and went to visit mom and get some running done. It was so hard to see mom, but it felt so good. We picked up some fake flowers for mom, which Ty picked out. I took a few pics that I need to re size before I post. After we saw mom we went to visit my girlfriend and her little girl......it was so nice to see them again!! When we left there we hit a few grocery stores to pick up a few things to take home with us. On Saturday we went to my dad's.........dad looked amazing!!! He's lost a total of 40lbs and is eating so much better and exercising. I am so very proud of him!! At noon time we went to my sister Dee's house, which is where everyone was getting together. It was so nice seeing everyone and having them meet Chase and see how big Ty has gotten!! Plus, my sister is an amazing cook and she did a turkey dinner that was SO good.........*drool* I miss living close to my family.....I really need to work on getting them to move closer!! LOL All in all it was great seeing them. We left MD close to 7am yesterday and got home a little after 3:30pm.
Now on to the bad stuff. Both boys are sick, yet again, and all 4 of us have pink eye! I noticed Saturday morning that Ty's left eye looked a little pink and blood shot but I just assumed he had rubbed his eye kind of hard. That afternoon he told me his eye hurt and he had a green/yellow goopy thing in the corner of his eye. We stopped at CVS on our way to my sisters house and they told us they don't sell anything over the counter for pink eye and that he would have to see the doctor. Well, when we got to my sisters house and told them about it they told us they DO sell something over the counter!! So my nieces went to CVS and got a bottle (and it says right on the front of it "Pink eye relief"!!!) and within two doses we could see his eye improve. Granted we have to fight him to get the drops in, they are working!! Well, Chase had started back up with his cold on Friday, and on the way home yesterday I noticed his left eye looked a little red on the outside and I saw a green/yellow goopy thing in the corner.....just great! By the time we got home Z gave him a bottle and he fell asleep so I layed him down.......within 10 minutes he was awake and crying hard and his eye was SO swollen! Z called the nurses hot line and they said to take him to the emergency room, so at 6pm last night we headed to the er. They saw him super fast, thank goodness. They gave us a prescription for drops which we filled on our way home. By the time we got home it had spread to Chase's other eye. Poor baby looked awful. :( His nose is SO stuffy, he has a cough and his eyes are red and puffy. And yet he still manages to give me some of his famous gummy smiles....it just breaks my heart. I did ask the doctor if Ty had to stay home from school and he said Ty shouldn't be contagious anymore he could go today......well, he woke me up at 5:00am this morning crying and saying both his eyes were stuck closed. So needless to say, no school for at least two days for him......and they were doing special testing this week! :( I went into the bathroom to get a warm washcloth and Z was just getting out of the shower.......I told him his eye looked a little red and sure enough he had it too. He looked at my eye and said it was in there as well! Why in the hell can't we get a break from being sick?!?!?!? I still have a cough from getting sick 2 months ago, Tyler has been on antibiotics twice and is still sick, and Chase had a cold that went away but is now back in full force. GO AWAY, GERMS!!!
*sigh* Well, other than the nasty sicky stuff things are ok. When we went to my sisters house, she had it decorated for Christmas and it looked amazing!!! Now I can't wait to get our decorations up! We usually put our stuff up the Friday after Thanksgiving, but since we were out of town we'll be late with them. I tell you what, it will be a VERY long time before we go back to MD.......that was such a long ride!!! I really miss my family, but if they want to see the boys they can come visit here from now on!! LOL
I'll hopefully get some pics up from our trip soon..........
Now on to the bad stuff. Both boys are sick, yet again, and all 4 of us have pink eye! I noticed Saturday morning that Ty's left eye looked a little pink and blood shot but I just assumed he had rubbed his eye kind of hard. That afternoon he told me his eye hurt and he had a green/yellow goopy thing in the corner of his eye. We stopped at CVS on our way to my sisters house and they told us they don't sell anything over the counter for pink eye and that he would have to see the doctor. Well, when we got to my sisters house and told them about it they told us they DO sell something over the counter!! So my nieces went to CVS and got a bottle (and it says right on the front of it "Pink eye relief"!!!) and within two doses we could see his eye improve. Granted we have to fight him to get the drops in, they are working!! Well, Chase had started back up with his cold on Friday, and on the way home yesterday I noticed his left eye looked a little red on the outside and I saw a green/yellow goopy thing in the corner.....just great! By the time we got home Z gave him a bottle and he fell asleep so I layed him down.......within 10 minutes he was awake and crying hard and his eye was SO swollen! Z called the nurses hot line and they said to take him to the emergency room, so at 6pm last night we headed to the er. They saw him super fast, thank goodness. They gave us a prescription for drops which we filled on our way home. By the time we got home it had spread to Chase's other eye. Poor baby looked awful. :( His nose is SO stuffy, he has a cough and his eyes are red and puffy. And yet he still manages to give me some of his famous gummy smiles....it just breaks my heart. I did ask the doctor if Ty had to stay home from school and he said Ty shouldn't be contagious anymore he could go today......well, he woke me up at 5:00am this morning crying and saying both his eyes were stuck closed. So needless to say, no school for at least two days for him......and they were doing special testing this week! :( I went into the bathroom to get a warm washcloth and Z was just getting out of the shower.......I told him his eye looked a little red and sure enough he had it too. He looked at my eye and said it was in there as well! Why in the hell can't we get a break from being sick?!?!?!? I still have a cough from getting sick 2 months ago, Tyler has been on antibiotics twice and is still sick, and Chase had a cold that went away but is now back in full force. GO AWAY, GERMS!!!

*sigh* Well, other than the nasty sicky stuff things are ok. When we went to my sisters house, she had it decorated for Christmas and it looked amazing!!! Now I can't wait to get our decorations up! We usually put our stuff up the Friday after Thanksgiving, but since we were out of town we'll be late with them. I tell you what, it will be a VERY long time before we go back to MD.......that was such a long ride!!! I really miss my family, but if they want to see the boys they can come visit here from now on!! LOL
I'll hopefully get some pics up from our trip soon..........
Monday, November 16, 2009
Thanksgiving is coming!
I'm really looking forward to our trip to MD for Thanksgiving!! We've been trying to work our how we're going to spend the time there, as we have so much we want to do!!! The main things I want to do is see mom and have my family meet Chase and see how big Ty has gotten. We'll be spending Thanksgiving day with the in-laws, then super early Friday morning my mother in law is watching the boys while Z and I hit Target for a few Christmas gifts for the boys. (they want us to pick up a few things for the boys as well from them) Once we get back we're going to get the boys and go visit mom, then possibly go to Pasadena to hit a few grocery stores to get some things to take back home with us. After that we'll have to head back to the in-laws so they'll have plenty of time with the boys.....plus, a friend of Z's is coming over for dinner that day. On Saturday we're going to my dad's house to spend time with him and my sisters and their families are supposed to come over so we can spend time together. We'll then get up slightly early on Sunday morning and head back to TN. I wish we had alot more time so we could visit more people, but because the in-laws are paying for us to come up to MD they're wanting to spend alot of time with the boys and there isn't much I can do about that. :(
On Saturday my cellphone rang and it said Dad. So when I answered it I expected to hear my dads voice, but it was my sister Dee. She said my dad was in the hospital. He was at the store and passed out and they said he was bleeding internally and they didn't know where it was coming from. they were running all kinds of tests and were going to keep him at least overnight. I got to talk to dad and he sounded fine, which made me feel slightly better. He said he was shopping and felt fine when all of the sudden he got really dizzy and sweaty, then passed out. My sister Kathie called me yesterday to let me know that they found the bleeding was coming from an ulcer and they had it under control, but they still wanted to keep him another day or so. What a relief!!! Hopefully he'll get to come home soon.
On Saturday my cellphone rang and it said Dad. So when I answered it I expected to hear my dads voice, but it was my sister Dee. She said my dad was in the hospital. He was at the store and passed out and they said he was bleeding internally and they didn't know where it was coming from. they were running all kinds of tests and were going to keep him at least overnight. I got to talk to dad and he sounded fine, which made me feel slightly better. He said he was shopping and felt fine when all of the sudden he got really dizzy and sweaty, then passed out. My sister Kathie called me yesterday to let me know that they found the bleeding was coming from an ulcer and they had it under control, but they still wanted to keep him another day or so. What a relief!!! Hopefully he'll get to come home soon.
So my wonderful cold turned into a sinus infection. I have never felt pain like that in my life....and I pushed out two kids!!! The whole left side of my face hurt so bad, all I could do was cry. At first I thought it could be a toothache, but I used orajel and it didn't take away any pain at all. And, I had TONS of pressure from my upper left jaw up into my left eye.....I swear my left eye socket felt like someone punched me in it. Z left work early on Friday to take me to the dentist to rule out a tooth problem, and on the way to the dentist I got a HUGE amount of pressure in my nose and the pain eased up on my jaw/teeth......I then got a nasty taste in my mouth so I blew my nose and I felt so much better!! I guess I got rid of some of the infection?!?!? I don't know, but it was such a relief. It was short lived, though. The dentist ruled out a tooth problem and said it is most definitely a very bad sinus infection, and by the time I left the dentist the pain was coming back. We called our family doctor and he called me in a prescription for an antibiotic. By the time we got home on Friday I was crying again from the pain. :( Z got me some sinus meds from the store and I took them so I could try and get some sort of rest. It did ease up the pain some, thank goodness. My left eye was just about closed shut by Saturday, so Z took the boys grocery shopping so I could stay home and get some rest and it was SO nice! I have to say, Z was SO amazing during all of this. For some reason I was so clingy towards him.......when he wasn't home and I was hurting, I missed him SO much. He was truly amazing. I've been on the antibiotics for a few days and they've relieved the swelling so much, plus i'm still taking some sinus pills AND taking advil. As long as I keep up with the meds the pain isn't as bad. In fact, today is the best i've felt since this all started last Thursday morning!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Sickies are about gone
It really seems like the sickies are finally done around here! We all 4 still have a bit of a cough and stuffy noses, but it's easing up alot. I took Ty to the doctor on Friday since he had been sick the longest and he said he had a slight sinus infection, so he's on antibiotics for 10 days. Chase still has a runny nose but his cough is just about gone, thank goodness. I will be SO glad when it's all gone completely and I can taste & smell things again.....I never thought I would miss being able to smell Chase's poopy diapers, but I hate changing him and finding "surprises" in there! LOL
Other than the sickies, things seem to be going good here. We're all getting excited about visiting MD in a few weeks. I'm dreading the drive a little, though......driving 500 miles with a 5 month old should prove to be very interesting. But we have things semi-planned out for when we're in MD. We'll be spending Thanksgiving day with the in-laws, then Friday I want to head up to where my family is and visit my mom then spend the rest of the afternoon with the in-laws (I hate that they're making us feel obligated to spend all of our time with them) then on Saturday we'll head to my dad's house and everyone will meet there for the get together. I'm excited for everyone to see how big Ty is getting and to meet Chase!!! We'll most likely leave super early Sunday morning so we can get back home early enough to rest before things go back to normal on Monday.
So yesterday I did a little Christmas shopping online. I had some gift cards I had been saving and got Chase two cute toys. One is a set of keys and one of them you can fill with water to help with teething. The other is something that plays music, which he loves. I also got myself a new set of holiday cookie cutters!! I was in desperate need of new cutters. I didn't see anything for Ty yet......he is SO hard to shop for this year! He's named a few things he wants, but for the most part I have no idea what to get him. :( I'm going to get Chase one other toy.....a Fisher Price puppy that sings and talks.......and that will most likely be it, since my family and the in-laws will most likely spoil him. Hopefully after Thanksgiving i'll be able to concentrate more on gifts for Ty.
Well, I really need to get off of my butt and finish putting laundry away........hope everyone has a great week!!!
Other than the sickies, things seem to be going good here. We're all getting excited about visiting MD in a few weeks. I'm dreading the drive a little, though......driving 500 miles with a 5 month old should prove to be very interesting. But we have things semi-planned out for when we're in MD. We'll be spending Thanksgiving day with the in-laws, then Friday I want to head up to where my family is and visit my mom then spend the rest of the afternoon with the in-laws (I hate that they're making us feel obligated to spend all of our time with them) then on Saturday we'll head to my dad's house and everyone will meet there for the get together. I'm excited for everyone to see how big Ty is getting and to meet Chase!!! We'll most likely leave super early Sunday morning so we can get back home early enough to rest before things go back to normal on Monday.
So yesterday I did a little Christmas shopping online. I had some gift cards I had been saving and got Chase two cute toys. One is a set of keys and one of them you can fill with water to help with teething. The other is something that plays music, which he loves. I also got myself a new set of holiday cookie cutters!! I was in desperate need of new cutters. I didn't see anything for Ty yet......he is SO hard to shop for this year! He's named a few things he wants, but for the most part I have no idea what to get him. :( I'm going to get Chase one other toy.....a Fisher Price puppy that sings and talks.......and that will most likely be it, since my family and the in-laws will most likely spoil him. Hopefully after Thanksgiving i'll be able to concentrate more on gifts for Ty.
Well, I really need to get off of my butt and finish putting laundry away........hope everyone has a great week!!!
Chaser man is 5 months old today!
Wow, my baby is 5 months old! I can't get over how fast the time is going. He is such an amazing little guy. He LOVES to talk and giggle/laugh out loud for no reason. He gives the best gummy smiles I have ever seen! He loves to play with toys and puts just about everything he gets his hands on into his mouth. He also loves watching big brother, no matter what he is doing! Ty has learned some cute songs in school and loves to sing them at home.....well, anytime Chase hears him start to sing he just stares at Ty and then will start to laugh so hard! He's also started this new shy phase, where i'll say "Are you my little love muffin?!?" and he gives me the cutest smile then puts his head down and looks at me through the corners of his eyes. He's rolling over like crazy, which makes nap time very rough! I'll lay him on his tummy for a nap and before I can leave the room he is turned over and babbling. He's still teething like crazy, AND fighting a cold still. :(
I haven't had a chance to take his 5 month old pic yet today, but here is a pic I took this weekend of him doing some tummy time.........

I'll be sure to post a pic of him from today. :)
I haven't had a chance to take his 5 month old pic yet today, but here is a pic I took this weekend of him doing some tummy time.........

I'll be sure to post a pic of him from today. :)
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
House of sickies......
Yes, all 4 of us are or have been sick for over a week now. Tyler started with it almost 2 weeks ago with a cough and stuffy/runny nose. Chase and I got it last Monday, with a cough and stuffy nose. It broke my heart to hear Chase cough. :( Z started with it last Thursday morning. Z had to miss work last Tuesday to take care of Chase and I and to take Ty to school....and then he was off for the field trip, so this weeks paycheck should be interesting. We'll get by, of course. I'm so thankful that he was here last Tuesday, and Ty loved having daddy on his field trip with him. I will be so, SO glad when this crappy cough I have goes away and the stuffy/runny nose, and when Chase and Ty's coughs and icky noses get better. Today Ty gets the H1N1 mist at school and I was worried he may not be able to with his nose being icky and they said as long as he doesn't have a fever and he can sniff good he would be fine.
I just want these germs to get out of this house!!!!
I just want these germs to get out of this house!!!!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Trick or treating was a bust
Well, we took the boys trick or treating last night at the mall and let's just say i'm highly disappointed in the mall. Every year we have been going, they always start the trick or treating at 5pm. Well, we called the mall yesterday morning to see what time they would start since it was a Saturday and were told "Oh, it's the same as every year...5pm." So we got to the mall around 4:30pm to eat dinner before we started walking around, and there were all kinds of kids walking out of the mall with what looked liked bags full of candy but I thought to myself "They can't have candy like that already....it's not 5pm!" So we get into the mall and sure enough, there were TONS of kids trick or treating and had bags totally full of candy!! I told Z "I guess some stores started a little early today..." so we went and got our dinner. After we ate we started taking the boys around......and hardly any stores had candy left!!! The upstairs part of the mall had maybe 10 stores giving out candy, and the downstairs had only 1 store. The costume contest was over and everything! I asked one of the store employees when they started handing out candy and she said "We all started around noon time." WTH?!?!? I know it was a Saturday and that's why I called the mall earlier in the day....why didn't they tell me they were giving stuff out early?!?!?!? I know Ty didn't need the candy obviously, but I was really upset about how the mall handled trick or treating this year. When we left, it was raining so the boys and I waited just outside the mall while Z went and got the van and several people were just getting to the mall with their kiddos and a lady asked me "Are we too early for the candy or have they started handing it out?!" I told her "I hate to tell you this, but just about every store is OUT of candy!" She told me she had called the mall earlier as well and was told they were handing out candy at 5pm.
Here are costume pics of the boys....Ty was a pirate and Chase was a monkey:

Chase trying out Ty's costume:

Our lil' monkey:
Here are costume pics of the boys....Ty was a pirate and Chase was a monkey:

Chase trying out Ty's costume:

Our lil' monkey:

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